Thursday, February 18, 2010

Glucosamine Chondroitin More Drug_side_effects Glucosamine & Chondroitin?....Has Anyone Tried This Stuff?

Glucosamine & Chondroitin?....Has Anyone Tried This Stuff? - glucosamine chondroitin more drug_side_effects

I have psoriatic arthritis since the age of 29 I am 56 now .... I'm much more in terms of what the reason for the prescription of rheumatologists and not great for me ..... when I pull it is easy to moderate and it seems that I only the last 2 weeks, but sometimes the drink, I have a doozy of an outbreak, as now (I pretty sure with a current flu virus) ... . In any case, not only touching the hot aspirin, or cold compresses, etc. I wonder about glucosamine and chondroitin, and someone tested for PSA or other arthritic condition .... . and if it helped or loss
I'm not allergic to shellfish use would not be a problem with me ...... Thank you for a response from the WHO.

1 comment:

Douglas B said...

When you search for your taste, you believe that correspond to the time he is rather quiet and not do the same? If so, would agree that my theory, because the body get rid of waste within, as it should, and we sit, the worse the more active we are, the less likely it will burst. The least active are piling up the problems and most active seem to have a better life to enjoy. My suggestion is to do some exercises that you can feel comfortable, confident that you can sit in front of the television and it helps to move waste products at the right side of the system. Swimming is a great help, or jogging or fast walking, in which the arms move, however, very important is what helps BACK more. In addition, proposed that the exercise of the puppet, without jumping to help your back.

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