Friday, January 8, 2010

Tonsils Hayfever Is There Any Connection To Having Severe Hayfever And The Removal Of Your Tonsils?

Is there any connection to having severe hayfever and the removal of your tonsils? - tonsils hayfever

My hay fever is really bad now I have no tonsils. My daughter has severe consequences of tonsillitis, and I am afraid that promotes the removal of tonsils hay fever. It seems worse than tonsillitis, hay fever. Is there a connection? My doctor has never heard of him, but someone told me that as a fact.


CaliDoc said...

The tonsils are part of the lymphatic system to ward off, which consists of more than 300 lymph nodes from head and neck, and the intruders move into the extracellular fluid. They are not part of hay fever and no correlation between the disease and increased tonsillectomy was done in a long history of scientific literature to investigate these things.

However, it is possible to get worse for a person with allergic rhinitis after tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy, because the polyps may cause nasal obstruction. Once removed, a person can be more sensitive to the breathing of the nose, thus introducing more allergens in the nasal cavity is very sensitive. Therefore, a possible mechanism for the collection of hay fever is worsened by tonsillectomy May exist, but hay fever is an overactive immune system in mast cells (lives in the skin) without the tonsils. This can stabilize the drug, reduce allergens, and often) nasal irrigation saline solution (or a combination thereof.

Dry Dreamer said...

Absolutely not connect, if there is something

Dry Dreamer said...

Absolutely not connect, if there is something

redrobin said...

I had hay fever since I was a little kid and intact with my tonsils, so goes the theory.

vernvern... said...

I had my tonsils and allergic rhinitis not I? sounds a bit strange for me not to see a possible link ...........

dava said...

I had the same problem occurs when I look at the almonds and now I have bad hay fever

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