Friday, January 29, 2010

Fitted Sari Toronto Grrr! I Just Bought A Silk Sari And Have Not Been Able To Figure Out How To Wrap It Correctly!!?

Grrr! I just bought a silk sari and have not been able to figure out how to wrap it correctly!!? - fitted sari toronto

I bought a vintage sari shop in the mall called Earth. It is pure, pink and low near 47 "x196". I love it, esp. I bought it for thirty-two dollars! I searched on Youtube and Google to find out how to set correctly the sari. I do not know if it's me or what, but I was not able to understand how one's right! I saw several videos and still not make it right! Or my sari was made adjusted by me, or too tight around the ankles, so that the going hard.
I know there are many ways to wrap to a sari, but if I could, you could ask me the easiest way for beginners? I get the right length? How do I package so that all of them from me?

1 comment:

sheilana... said...

You need a skirt of lace for two reasons. One reason for this is that you need something for the sari to be wrapped over. (Not with a safety pin. "LL end, bare-chested on the most embarrassing or something.)

The second reason is that the sari fabric is often very steep. A rock to find not merely keep some dignity.

Tuck one end of the sari material on the site. Bring the fabric around the waist at the front of the skirt. Then start folding the material over and again fell in four to six centimeters wide. If you are about three meters of fabric on the left side, stop. Slide the folded fabric from the skirt. Then put the rest of the field once more and then pour the rest over the shoulder.

Edit: There should be several, but traditionally ethnic women's clothing can be adjusted so that makes things such as weight loss, weight gain and pregnancy. You can use the skirts on Ebay, but it can very easily. Take a tissue thatm at both ends, but more Hemming on one end. To this end, thread a string or ribbon through, then sew the seam. Aha! You just sew a skirt with lace. (You can use a template if you are brave enough to go to feel a little more elegance.) Try to show a dark color, the color of the SAR. For some reason the colors do not do well, but any color is fine.

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