Thursday, December 31, 2009

Java Mortgage Calc JAVA Programming Code Writing Question?

JAVA programming code writing question? - java mortgage calc

Ok, I work for a mortgage calculator in JAVA. The assignment is to write the first code, then enter the execution of Java. I'm quite new at this so ...... This is my code and not running. I'm going to be lost as lost. Any help is welcome.

public class MortageCalculator (
public static void main (String [] args) (

/ / Declare variables
Double TauxDInteret =. 0575;
int sum = 200000;
int term = 30;
double = TauxDInteret monthlyInterestRate / 12;
totalMonths int * length = 12;
double payment = amount * (1 - (Math.pow ((1 + monthlyInterestRate), (-totalMonths ))));

/ / Display amount of payment
System.out.println ( "The monthly mortgage payment" + salary);

Here's the info:

Formula for calculating the mortgage payment:

a = [P (1 + r) nr] / [(1 + r) n - 1] - where P is the amount of capital, r the interest rate and n is the length of the year.

Formulas for calculating the monthly payment and balance:

TauxDInteret = 0575;
Amount = 200000;
term = 30;
monthlyInterestRate = TauxDInteret / 12;
totalMonths = term * 12;
= MonthlyInterestRate amount of payment * / (1 - (Math.pow ((1 + monthlyInterestRate), (-totalMonths ))));

Formulas for calculating depreciation:

= LoanBalance InterestPaid * montlyInterestRate;
= Payment PrincipalPaid - interestPaid;
= LoanBalance LoanBalance - principalPaid;
/ / LoanBalance is a sequential number, the initial value is equal to the amount

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